Pizza Guy

Pizza Guy

About Our Gig

Hi, my name is Dave Peterson. I’m the founder and CEO of Pizza Guys for many years. I’ve been making pizza for over 20 + years. My pizza are very unique. Let me enlighten you, Frist all my pizza are made Live in front of the resident. Second, I make the pizza for them on demand. To do that you must require a unique skill and am not just making the pizzas at home. I’m making the pizzas as they are ordering them on demand, and you must be able to move fast and have the best ingredients and to be able to maintain the audience and crowd of over 200 people to 400. I only do this event in fall and wintertime; I only have a few spots left. During the summer I only do a aquarium I own my own Aquariums store and I force on the aquariums during that time if anyone community would like to purchase one or be educated, please feel free to contact me.

PS, I have my own oven and ingredients and everything else.

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